U.S. installment savings & deposits: Marcus, a bank app that is too close for me to know

In Korea, there are usually a lot of installment savings and deposit products in the main bank, and it doesn’t cost much to open an account at a bank, so I think most of them have one bank account in the first financial sector. In Korea, I also had various transactions with Woori Bank, Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, Nonghyup, Post Office, and Yuanta Securities. However, in the United States, opening an account itself costs a lot of money to maintain, so most of them seem to use it in one or two main banks.It’s an app from Golden Man Sachs that focuses on saving and CD products, and you can see saving account & CD products with higher interest rates than Chase Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, and Bank of America, which are commonly used in the U.S.It was very convenient because you can download it and subscribe to it all with your cell phone, and you can easily connect it to another bank account and receive money and send it to them. The interest rate on Wells Fargo Saving account is 0.01%.. I don’t think so! Most large banks have similar interest rates on saving accounts. In fact, the U.S. economic situation has been so unstable since COVID-19, so so has stocks. This year, large banks do not raise interest rates even though interest rates have risen significantly from the Federal Reserve. Originally, it was 0.5% last year, and now it’s up to 1.9% from Marcus’s saving account. I think it’s really good that interest rate changes are applied immediately depending on the economic situation. If you’re worried about where to put your installment savings or savings in the U.S., you should look for Marcus. It’s a program without referral, but if you’re interested, I’ll put the link below so you can find it right away! https://www.marcus.com/us/enPersonal Loan, High Yield Savings & CD | Marcus by Goldman Sachs Marcus by Goldman Sachs offers free personal loans and high yield online savings for individuals. Helping customers reach the financial side goals.www.marcus.comPersonal Loan, High Yield Savings & CD | Marcus by Goldman Sachs Marcus by Goldman Sachs offers free personal loans and high yield online savings for individuals. Helping customers reach the financial side goals.www.marcus.comPersonal Loan, High Yield Savings & CD | Marcus by Goldman Sachs Marcus by Goldman Sachs offers free personal loans and high yield online savings for individuals. Helping customers reach the financial side goals.www.marcus.com

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